- Introduction
- Brief Primers & White Papers
- Deployment Transformation Management Tools
- Training Materials & Workshops
1. Introduction
Business Transformation is about deploying new work systems in the form of software, processes, organizational changes, or physical changes to the enterprise. The degree to which this is successful depends on the readiness of a companies employees to adapt to the change. This will require a different set of skills not usually available in the typical organization. Most engineering / manufacturing companies refer to these skills as the ³soft stuff². It has been stressed many times that it is this area where deployment failures occur. There are many well documented case studies on this issue. Our business transformation tools and materials can help you succeed in deploying new work systems right the first time. Available materials are as follows:
- Brief primers or white papers are provided to introduce concepts and to help you identify what is missing on your project. In addition, they will help trigger ideas that you may not have thought of and help avoid costly errors. They ultimately will help trigger the need to take action the right direction.
- Documented management tools and techniques which can help you perform the work of deployment. For example, we can provide a structured approach to performing an organizational readiness review. A primer would be issued to trigger the need for the review, and the “how to” will be provided. We can deliver the “How To’s” by e-mail followed with personal coaching.
- Training material in the form of workshops are also available to arm your staff with the necessary skills to perform the deployment work. For example, workshop material on Effective organizational teamwork is available. This consists of both a coaching guide and the workshop material. We can coach your key staff to effectively use and deliver this material.
In the following sections, we outline the areas where we can provide support. We list the items by the areas described above.
2. Brief Primers & White Papers
The following primers are available and will serve to provide a brief overview on a subject. They are from 2-6 pages in length and are very easy to read. The cost for each paper is $20.
- Attacking cost at its roots
- Overview Automation tools in design
- Benchmark Product Development
- Building Effective Teams
- Computer Aided process planning
- Consensus decision making
- Design for Manufacture
- Design for the lifecycle
- Design to Cost
- DFM Guidelines
- Implementing IPD Lessons Learned
- Improving the Prod Dev Process
- Benchmarking best practice
- IPD bibliography
- IPD Glossary of terms
- IPD Management leadership
- IPD Principles
- IPD Team CO-location
- IPD Workshops
- IPD definitions
- Product Development Metrics
- Production Definition Overview
- QFD Overview
- Re Engineering Guidelines
- Robust Design of Experiments
- Strategic Approach to IPD
- Suppliers The competitive edge
- Target Costing
- Team Leader responsibilities
- Time to Market & Resource Management
- Value Analysis
- Detail Strategic plan approach
- Benchmarking
- IPD Implementation Plan Guidelines
- Organizational Readiness Review
- Re-design Charter
- ERP Overview
- Concurrent Product Development
- Justifying DFM/A
- PDM overview presentation
- IPD management involvement
- Overview of the Change Management Approach
3. Deployment Transformation Management Tools
The Following is a set of Tools which we have developed over the past 8 years and have successfully used in business transformation programs. The cost for each document ranges from $300 to $2000. Each will be costed on a case by case basis. We can tailor these materials to each business situation.
Business Transformation approach
- Developing a transition strategy
- High level overview of change management
- Case studies example
Cultural Readiness/Diagnosis
- Change Readiness overview
- Change Readiness tool kit
- Organizational Change questionnaire
- Cultural Assessment Case study (for viewing only)
- Approach to formally assessing the BPR initiative
- Executive Commitment Reality check approach
Assessing the business transformation Roadmap (direction)
- Road map critical questions
- An effective road map approach
- Key Stockholder Analysis Approach
The politics of Performing a major change Initiative
- Art of avoiding political minefields
- Managing Political Conflict
- Lessons Learned from Organizational change programs
- Powerplay tools
- The Unwritten Rules of Change
Risk Management Approach
- Risk Management Overview
- Risk Management Toolkit
Program Management
- Red Team Approach to building quality into the project
- BPR Governance Approach
- Business Case
- BPR Communications Framework
- Communications Guide
- Communications Messages & Timing
- Communications Toolkit
- Performance Management Overview
- Identifying Strategic Performance Measures
- Performance Measures in a process environment.
4. Training Materials & Workshops
Effective Organizational Teamwork
- Managing Meetings/Workshops
- Problem Solving
- Decision Making
- Coaching
- Conflict Resolution
- Providing Constructive feedback
- Listening Skills
- Measurement
Change Agent Training
- Skills for making a powerful contribution
- Basic Change Agent training
- Change Management Orientation
- Deployment planning guidelines
- Preparing to Implement change
- The role of the internal consultant
- The role of the external consultant
- IPT charter roles and responsibilities
Facilitator Training
- Advanced Facilitator Skills/Tools
- Job of the facilitator
- Facilitator kick off games
- Facilitator Assessment
Process Re-Engineering Methods Workshops
- Conduct a kick off meeting
- Developing a workplan
- Establishing mission & goals
- Communication workshop
- Early wins project execution
- Identifying Customer needs
- Process Costing
- Process Flow & Mapping
- Performance Management workshop
- Performance targets workshop
- Problem solving workshop
- Process Vision Guide
- Problem solving tools description
- Future state visioning workshop
- Process Re-design guide.
The above resources will only be of value if you use them in a deliberate way. We are available to coach you to use the materials in your organization. This will give you the leverage to achieve improvements through your own people.
Components of Enterprise Systems
Enterprise Systems have many components. Deciding which components are appropriate for your company requires an understanding of both business and technical issues. We have the experience to help you with this decision. The following diagram illustrates the components and scope of a very comprehensive Enterprise System. You must consider which components are required to meet your needs.
The heart of most Enterprise Systems is Manufacturing Resource Planning or Enterprise Resource Planning (often referred to as MRP II). MRP II is an integrated planning and control system which simulates the manufacturing process to provide management with decision information critical to effective utilization of materials, manpower and facilities.
Selecting and Developing the Best System
Choosing the best Enterprise System for your company is no easy task. It requires an up-front investment of time and effort. Often companies fail to make this investment for the sake of expediency, or to save selection costs. This usually results in systems which are not well suited for the company, late, ineffective, and over budget. There are four basic steps which can help avoid this situation. We have the experience to help you perform each of them right.
System Strategy
Planning for Enterprise Systems must begin with the company’s strategic plan. We can work with you to assess:
- The impact of introducing Enterprise Systems into your business environment
- Where Enterprise Systems support achievement of your strategic plan
- Which systems are appropriate for your company, based on our knowledge of recent trends, computer hardware, and available software packages.
The output of this process is a conceptual system design, identifying which of the components (illustrated above) are required by your company.
Define Needs
Commitment at all levels of an organization is fundamental to success. Therefore, it is important that your people are involved at an early stage. Using the conceptual design of your system as a framework, we can work with your management and staff to develop the details of your company’s needs. This process involves:
- Obtaining agreement on the nature of your key business processes
- Identifying activities supporting key business processes
- Determining the functionality required to support activities
The output of this process is a statement of the company’s critical needs, expressed in clear and specific terms.
We can help you structure a request for proposal (RFP) detailing your requirements to appropriate software vendors. It will ensure that a clear response is made to each of your requirements. We can then train your team on how to evaluate and choose the best match using a structured methodology to evaluate vendors and their software. In addition, we can advise you on how to negotiate the best contract terms with a vendor.
Detailed System Design
Since every company is different, it is likely that no software system will meet all your requirements exactly. You may need to have modifications made to the software of develop compensating controls and procedures. We can assist your company in both areas by helping you to specify and test vendor software modifications and providing skills training and coaching for people to develop policies and procedures.
Manufacturing Systems Within a Quality Context.
Companies can find that manual and computerized systems alike do not effectively support the business processes. Symptoms of this situation include decreases in productivity, expediting, dwindling employee morale, and possible lower customer service. These symptoms may indicate the need for a new system. However, in many cases, they also indicate that a company does not have the capacity to monitor its processes to ensure that they are effective and properly executed. The purpose of any system is to enhance the performance of certain business processes. Effective quality management can ensure that business processes are continually improved to meet needs. By focusing on their customers, companies can ensure that their business processes evolve to help them become more competitive. AMGI has been providing a range of Enterprise Systems services to clients from various industry sectors always taking a pragmatic approach. This same experience, together with our quality management tools, ensure the necessary degree of culture change inherent to a successful manufacturing system implementation.
- #738 (no title)
- A Capability Survey – How Innovative is Your Enterprise
- About AMGI
- Assignments
- Board of Advisors
- Business Audit
- Business Transformation
- Business Transformation Proven Approach
- CAD/CAM/CAE Implementation
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- Collaborative Product Development
- Collaborative Product Development Workshop
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- Data Management and Accuracy
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- Educational Materials
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- Engineering and Product Development Management: The Holistic Approach
- Engineering Information Management
- Engineering Systems and Concepts
- Engineering Systems Development (ERP / MRP II) & Implementation
- Enterprise Management Systems Implementation
- Enterprise Systems Education Services Offered by AMGI
- Enterprise Systems Implementation
- ERP/MRP II Development & Implementation Guide (Volumes I – IV)
- Example 1
- Example 2
- Example 3
- Handbooks
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- Home v2
- Integrated Product Development Best Practices
- Integrated Product Development Best Practices
- Integrated Product Development Guide
- Integrated Product Development/Concurrent Engineering (Ipd/Ce)
- Integrated Product Development/Concurrent Engineering (IPD/CE)
- ISO 9000 Implementation
- Lessons Learned in Aerospace Companies
- Lessons Learned in Aerospace Companies
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- Management Strategies for Applying Product Development
- Managing Organizational Change
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- University Teachings
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- What We Do