Stephen C. Armstrong

AMGI was founded in Toronto by Stephen C. Armstrong, in 1993, to deliver business transformation, operational and engineering performance improvement services initially in aerospace and defence companies, and later spreading the services across other industry sectors.  Assignments were contracted and sponsored directly by the company owner, managing director, CEO/COO, president, or divisional vice president.

AMGI provides support to the executive teams, for large scale, deep impact, change initiatives.  An example: cutting the time it takes to design, build and launch a new aircraft, by 50%.
Success is driven from the boardroom by executive steering committees, and cascaded through the organization via self-directed work teams.
These successes have been in aerospace & defense sector, consumer goods, food & beverage, newspapers, industrial equipment, and IT systems integration.

Many client organizations implemented AMGI training and coaching, over and above that necessary for a specific initiative.  These organizations have been able to continue to build on their success, without direct involvement from AMGI.
Armstrong has packaged this education and training under the umbrella of Strategic Management of Innovation.

AMGI has expanded consulting services to educational institutions and the public sector-federal government, and continues to deliver education and training through international partners, to organizations around the world.

Click here to read more about Stephen C. Armstrong.

Stephen C. Armstrong can be reached at

Radio Show:
Details of Stephen’s radio show “Innovation Nation” on CIUT radio can be found here.

Education and Qualifications:
Click here to see Education, list of Awards and Qualifications held by Stephen C. Armstrong.

University Teaching
Stephen teaches Innovation at University of Toronto and other universities.
Click here to see current courses available and leading-edge research projects by the students.

Stephen also performs leading-edge research.
Click here to see a list of completed topics.

A list of Stephen’s publications can be found here.

Stephen is available for speaking engagements.
Click on this link to see some of the past events and workshops.

Click on this link to see where Stephen puts back into the community.