Online Problem Solving
Building on broad experience of aerospace manufacturing/engineering and other sectors, AMGI is introducing a new Operations Management service for executives and managers. It is PRACTICAL PROBLEM SOLVING ON-LINE.
Traditional Management Consultants place armies of juniors into clients to work with client staff on specific improvement projects including:
- IPD and virtual product development implementation
- Manufacturing Systems implementation
- Organizational Development
- Business Process Re-Engineering
- Cost Reduction Programs
- Strategic Planning
These services cost enormous amounts of money and many fail to yield the desired improvements. The key to successful utilization of management consulting services is to transfer knowledge to the client management teams, to arm them to implement improvement themselves. The traditional consulting service model is to place a project manager with 4-10 “staffers” to team with the client team.
$1-6 million later the consultant team leaves and the project enthusiasm dies. Improvements are often realized in the short term but not sustained in the long term.
AMGI is offering a new innovative approach to providing management services. We propose a radical change in delivering value added services through the “On-Call Consultant”. In this approach we spend 2-4 weeks with the client management team absorbing and understanding the:
- Culture (values, attitudes, beliefs)
- People (experience, capabilities, goals)
- Organization (political hierarchies, formations
- Business processes (acquire, define, build, support)
- Products: (deliverables, customers, suppliers)
- Business Strategy (goals, objectives, measurements)
- Project Strategy (Goals, objectives, approach, scope)
We then provide ongoing coaching to executives on the project team. This includes:
- Continuous assessment of the cultural and political climate and identifying the right moves to improve organizational readiness to achieve the goals
- Identifying individual and group strategies to move forward
- Providing intermittent “take stock” seminars
- Providing methods and tools to move the project forward.
To deliver these services we offer various medium:
- Face-to-face
- Telephone/voice mail
- Internet/E-mail
- Focused high energy team problem solving sessions
The benefits of these services can be summarized in three words:
- Results – Meet the objectives
- Savings – Reduced costs of professional services
- Timeliness – achieve results within half to three quarters of the time
- Initial 2-4 weeks absorption period – traditional professional management consulting hourly fees
- Focused problem solving seminars typical half day – 2 day
- Ongoing coaching by telephone
- Identifying a solution and a strategy and delivering through E-mail – costed on each issue
Our services are based on hard core, practical experience.
Three Examples Are Listed In Full for Your Reference
Three examples showing the kind of hands-on, practical help available from these services are listed below. We make them available to you in full for your reference and as examples of the kind of detail and practical approach which will be of assistance.
We provide below three complete articles to show the detail and extent of coverage of each topic. You will see that these articles are “How To” resources. They are:
- How to manage the relationship between sales forecasting, production planning and master production scheduling.
- How to establish performance measures in the master production schedule.
- How to use time fences in managing the MPS.
Approximately 200 more case studies are available by following the other links provided in the left navigation menu.