- Review of a CAD/CAM/CAE System at a Plastics Component Manufacturer – For a plastics component manufacturer, carried out a CAD/CAM systems productivity audit of the Engineering division. They utilized an advanced CAD/CAM/CAE system (Graftek) to design products and injection moulds. As a result of the audit we determined that the low level of productivity improvement was a lack of training. Developed a framework for a training program which was accepted and implemented by the company. Developed detailed project plans including tasks, budgets, milestones, schedules and resource requirements.
- Competitive Benchmark Analysis for a $15 Billion Fighter Aircraft Manufacturer – For the world’s leading manufacturer of tactical fighter aircraft assisted in the development of a competitive assessment of the company relating to customer buying factors, including: Configuration and product technology, supportability, manufacturing, cost management. A matrix comparing strengths and weaknesses of aircraft manufacturers’ (Boeing, Northrop, General Dynamics, Lockheed, McDonnel Douglas) performance was developed.
- Developed a “Lessons Learned” Document on Deploying IPT’s onto Aircraft Programs – Reviewed the approaches taken by two mid-sized aircraft companies to implement concurrent engineering techniques. Included cross-functional team formation, program organizational structure, career planning, resistance to change, training requirements and performance.