Seminar & Talk Schedule

  • Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineering Congress
    Panel Chair & Speaker on “Policy Planning for Disruptive and Incremental Innovation”, Toronto, Canada, on 1-4th June 2014.
  • 2014 Forum on Philosophy, Engineering and Technology,
    “Teaching History and Philosophy of Engineering to Masters Engineering Students”, Virginia Tech, Virginia, USA, on 27-29 May 2014.
  • Institute for Leadership Education in Engineering, University of Toronto
    Management of Innovation in Engineering” seminar, on 3rd April 2014.
  • Management of Innovation and The Engineer in the 21st Century Lecture Series
    within multiple institutions in Wuhan, Shanghai and Beijing, China, between 10th – 20th December 2013.
  • Management of Innovation Seminar Series
    Singapore, between 24th May – 2nd June, 2013.
  • University of Toronto
    Ongoing seminars at Toronto, Canada.
  • AAIS AeroResource Centre & Organisational Development Concepts
    Management of Innovation at the AAIS Aeroshub Nan Wah Building, Singapore, on 25th January, 2013
  • Canadian Undergraduate Technology Conference “Closing the Global Skills Gap – Developing Digital Skills for a Digital Society”
    University of Toronto, 29th April 2012.
  • Innovation
    Describing Innovation Lessons Learned and Best Practices at multiple universities, India, between 2-15th January, 2012
  • Management of Innovation
    General Mills Canada, Toronto, 5th July 2010.
  • Management of Innovation Seminar Series
    Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, between 22-30th November, 2009.
  • SAE World Congress
    Describing Business Transformation – Lessons Learned and Best Practices at the Cobo Center, Detroit, Michigan, USA, on April 16, 2008
  • PDMA Event
    Describing Implementing Integrated Product Development In The Product Centric Agile Enterprise at the Support Center for Nonprofit Management , Manhattan, NY, USA, on May 17, 2006
  • WESTEC Conference and Show
    Speaking about The Total Manufacturing Experience at the Los Angeles Convention Center, California, USA, on March 27-30, 2006
    A series of lectures presented by four different Engineering institutions.
    The first Meeting on this topic, will explore the basics of project management.
    The meeting will be held on September 20, 2005 at 6:15pm in the Toronto Board of Trade on Dixon Road.
    The aim of this series is to review the lessons learned. Or maybe the lessons not learned.
    Click HERE for the pdf version of the meeting schedule (132 kb).
    A workshop at the conference on Culture in Project Management at Westminster University, London U.K., on Tuesday, September 13, 2005
    Presented by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
    The first Meeting on this topic, will explore the commercial potential of nanotechnology.
    The meeting will be held on September 21, 2004 at 6:15pm in the Toronto Board of Trade on Dixon Road.
    Click HERE for the pdf document with full details (48 kb).
    There is a complete series of meetings reviewing the benefits and implications of this wide reaching technology.Click HERE for the pdf version of the meeting schedule (22 kb).
    For the pdf version of the COMPLETE report on nanotechnology, click HERE (22.9 MB).
  • University of TorontoFebruary 11-13, 2002 (3 days) topic Effective engineering management through integrated product development” Cost $1295 or $1175. It is put on by the School of Continuing Education Faculty of Engineering. Please contact Leslie Dolman, Director Professional Development Centre, 416-978-3119, for more information
    Implementing Integrated Product Development – The Holistic Approach This session is intended to help engineering managers implement a more rigorous approach to the practice of Engineering Management. We do this by outlining an Integrated Product Development methodology to achieve the following objectives:
  • Meet program cost targets.
  • Reduce total program costs.
  • Meet program milestones.
  • Reduce time to market.
  • Reduce engineering change following design freeze
  • We will bring a special focus to issues around implementing IPD. These range from how to implement cross-functional teams and consensus decision making, to how to identify managers who are out to sabotage your efforts to introduce IPD. We will place emphasis on balancing all domains of change, especially the political one, in an integrated enterprise.
    Stephen Armstrong is uniquely qualified to lead this seminar. He is a fully apprenticed tool designer/tool maker, Professional Engineer, and Certified Management Consultant. He has headed AMGI, a Toronto based consulting practice for seven years. He has led many of the world’s leading aerospace companies to successfully implement IPD. His clients include British Aerospace Military, deHavilland Aircraft, Lockheed Martin, Bombardier Aerospace, Messier-Dowty Aerospace, McDonnell Douglas, and many non- Aerospace companies.
    Presentation by Stephen C. Armstrong, “Beyond Engineering – The management dimension in Aerospace” at the CASI Canadian Student Summit on Aerospace (CSSA).
    CSSA aims to serve as a focal point for Canadian university students interested in careers in the aerospace industry. On the weekend of February 8-10, 2002, students from across Canada will come to Queens University, Kingston, Ontario to learn about current activities and future opportunities within the North American aerospace industry.
  • Implementing Collaborative Product Development
    Presentation to Toronto Chapter 26 of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME).
    April 3, 2002. For details of time and location please see the SME web site at
  • 6th Annual Worldwide Conference of the Society of Concurrent Product Development
    June 6-7, 2001, Boston, Mass.
    Seminar A presented by Stephen C. Armstrong. Click HERE for the pdf version of the program (213 kb).

For more recent speaking engagements by Stephen C. Armstrong.

Further enquiries:

Please email AMGI at