MIE463 Integrated Systems Design

About the Course:

Integrated System Design is a capstone course that integrates the various perspectives of an integrated system taught in the third year, including: Optimization, Quality, Management, Information, and Economics. The course approaches integrated systems design from a Business Process Management (BPM) perspective. Beginning with the Business Processes, it explores the concept of developing an Integrated Enterprise, via Business Process Design at an Enterprise level. We apply systems thinking to Strategy, Value Chains and Processes, Metrics and Design Heuristics. In the second half of the course, the concept of business process design is extended to incorporate Industrial Engineering perspectives such as cost, productivity, quality, and organization behaviour. BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation) is used to document business processes. Our perspective is based on past research and hands on practice in applying business process management methods to a variety of enterprises across many sectors.

Introduction to MIE 463